Our Service

Long-term Service

TRICAR takes care of your company’s transportation needs so you can focus on your core business.

With a professional transportation provider like TRICAR, you can be assured that your transportation needs are taken care of in terms of safety, comfort, and convenience.

This service provides assistance to your company in cost reduction and vehicle management improvement, including coordination, service and maintenance.

Short-term Service

Our short-term service caters to seasonal and incidental transportation needs that help your company run business smoothly.

Many of our clients utilize this service for guest pick-up and transportation, company outbound and other business or leisure purposes.

Human Resource Management

TRICAR provides full-time trained professional chauffeurs to ensure maximum capacity in your core business.

Lease Purchase

TRICAR provides a lease purchase agreement in case you want to purchase your vehicles at the end of the term. This option allows your company to acquire assets while maintaining cash flow and avoiding upfront cost.

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